Neuro Sound 2.0:
Simplifying the Complex Process of Hearing Better

Starkey continues to break sound barriers with the exciting release of Edge AI, featuring new hearing technology and new solutions. This course will examine the sophisticated sound processing technology that powers the new Edge AI product family. In addition, new updates to Starkey’s Pro Fit fitting software will be discussed.

Below you will find links to the recording of the Neuro Sound 2.0: Simplifying the Complex Process of Hearing Better webinar, some key resources to download, the quiz and CPD reflections questionnaire, and professional endorsement details.

Watch the webinar and take the quiz:

Submissions will be processed at the beginning of each calendar month and you will receive your certificate at that time.

Presentation slides and resources:

The webinar is endorsed for professional development points:

  • AudA Endorsed:  CPD2425 055 (Category 1.2) (1 CPD Point)
  • ACAud inc. HAASA Endorsed: 2024162 (2 CEP points with passing quiz)

In order to obtain these points, you need to watch the webinar and complete the quiz. Audiology Australia members must additionally complete the CPD evaluation and reflections questionnaire.