Welcome to the Starkey Australia Learning Hub

The Starkey Education & Training Team are pleased to offer hearing professionals dedicated training on Starkey products, software and an extensive range of other audiological topics. This hub provides you with access to all of our learning resources, including live and recorded endorsed online training activities, downloadable documentation and video tutorials.

Endorsed Edge AI Product Launch Webinar: Future in Focus

Register here for our endorsed 3-part webinar series

Signature Series: Nothing is Smaller, Nothing Sounds Better.

Genesis AI at a Glance

Genesis AI is anything but ordinary. Watch a 15 minute overview on the Genesis AI all-new processor, all-new sound, and our exciting Genesis AI product lineup

Evolv AI at a Glance

Evolv AI is currently available for your HSP Fully Subsidized option in the 1000 technology tier for the RIC 312, BTE 13 and Power Plus BTE 13 and can be ordered in the Micro RIC 312 and BTE R 1000 technology tier for entry level top up. The Evolv AI BTE 13 and Power Plus BTE 13 can also be ordered in the 1200, 1600, 2000 and 2400 technology levels. Watch our 30 minute overview to learn more about Evolv AI.

If you want to be the first to find out about our next webinars, sign up now: